Let all participants paint 20 icons/symbols in 20 sec each.
Let all participants paint 20 icons/symbols in 20 sec each.
Abigail's Tale is a story that shows how people view the world from different perspectives, have different values and reach different conclusions based on the same information.
Players will play a game of battleships with each other. Some players will experience restrictions to how responsive they can be, allowing us to explore the effects.
In this game, a team must produce as many folded paper planes as possible. It is a competition between teams to be as productive as possible.
The ball point game is one of the oldest games, but it is very efficient because most of the agile values and principles. It is perfect to illustrate how to work as a team and continuously improve.
In this game teams are challenged to achieve a series of simple tasks as quickly as possible. The game will quickly introduce bottlenecks, which in turn will generate a high amount of work in progress...
Barnga is so easy to use that its procedure is a joy for both the experienced and the inexperienced game facilitator. The game almost immediately involves all its players and supplies are easily procu...
Imagine, everyone thinks, that good arithmetic is important. And then we play a game that has nothing to do with arithmetic and more fun than titles. People learn a lot about themselves and agile proc...
Career SUPERDRIVE™ frames careers as dynamic, long-term journeys, encouraging openness to new opportunities and potential reinventions. It helps individuals reflect on their career paths with clarity,...
This game is designed to allow participants to experience and reflect on different forms of collaboration.
Share the practices and the mindset associated to software craftsmanship and agility.
Welcome to the Cupcake Design Factory. Your role as a team will be to decorate cupcakes following a set of instructions. You will be competing with other teams to see who produces the most beautiful a...
Demonstrate how important it is for a delivery team to interact with its Product Owner.
Put your analytical skills to the test and guess the rules of the game
Point out how important empathy is when creating any commercial offer for a customer
This is a team puzzle that introduces a few constraints to emphasise the need to cooperate, to collaborate and most importantly to listen. It can be used to assess a team's dynamic, to identify curren...
Find out who is leading change in the circle.
This game is a nice alternative to the ball point game, especially when you are travelling. The goal of this exercise is to create and improve a workflow using some of the well known agile techniques ...
Let's actually experience how complexity works, and what makes interventions in complex systems difficult.
This is a fun game that can be played with many teams in a competition. Teams build a structure with a limited array of materials and are challenged to make a number of decisions, measuring their succ...
Technology has introduced to us many new forms of communication. Ultimately though none of them can replace the value of a simple face to face conversation, but still we seem to prefer them. It’s easi...
This game is designed to allow participants to experience and reflect on what it's like when two cultures merge.
Write a sentence, pass to your neighbor, draw
Know the different kinds of feedback and know how they affect the organization
This is a team building game that challenges teams solve a problem very collaboratively. The team need to discover a path through a labyrinth, the path is hidden.The labyrinth is represented by a grid...
The maze in its original version has become has become a classic of `#play14. We decided to make it a significantly harder by having several teams run the maze at the same time, in the same grid, from...
In this game, participants will have fun and they could discover agile roles and think about forces involved inside agile transformations (for and against).
We have a natural tendency to optimise the world immediately around us and focus on personal or team success. Often this can be to the detriment of others and the wider organisation which ultimately ...
This game will demonstrate some of the most important principles behind DevOps.