I'm speechless about my experience at Play 14. There is no way to describe this 'unconference.' You can only live it.
I went to this 3-day event with no expectations. Apart from meeting new people, testing some ideas, and seeing how I could reinvent myself from head to toe before my 50th birthday. Just that! 😳
What came out of this process is a full reset. 🙌
So happy and grateful to be a part of the first #play14 in Manila, which has shown me the power of play-based learning. Admittedly when I signed up, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. All I knew was that we were going to "play". 🌈 ✨ But hey, maybe that was the real magic - without expectation, I learn more; without limitations, I become more open like a kid! 

Janna Romano
Digital Communication SpecialistOverall, my experience at the #play14 conference in Manila was nothing short of transformative. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended and for the new ideas, connections, and inspiration I gained from the experience. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me next, and I look forward to staying connected with the Play14 community in the years to come.

Anthony Seumal
Head of Software QualityThe best part of it?? It was the profound learning that occurred during each game. Pausing, reflecting, and delving deeper into the takeaways made the experience even more captivating. Who would have thought that one could glean valuable insights from a game like Dr. Quak-Quak (a famous Filipino game from my elementary school days) or the exhilarating Happy Salmon (which, by the way, is now one of my favorites)🍣 🤣
Gio Montaniel Buenvenida
Sales Development/ Partner Engagement ManagerThe Philippines archipelago is where the barangay spirit and games and play abound - and indigenous children's games (laro ng lahi) are considered national heritage.
Today, flying home from #play14-manila, where the #play14 razmataz has given proof that #laronglahi are much more than mere fun and games from a long-forgotten past, I am more convinced of the value of #playbasedlearning than I ever was before.

Francis Laleman
Experience Designer and FacilitatorIf by any chance you hear hashtag#play14 is coming to your city, I'd recommend that you sign up. 101%, you won't regret it!
Exhausted but very happy!!! Thank you #play14 for a wonderful 2 days (and a half) of non-stop playing and learning!

Dingdong Rosales
Senior FacultyWhat happens when amazing bunch of passionate facilitators and L & D enthusiasts get together in 1 space to come out and play? Whole bunch of fun non stop for 2 days. 32 learning games were played and facilitated by facilitators from 32 countries. It was learning games marathon and learning on steroids.

Shadaitul Intan
Communication Coach | NLP Practitioner | Founding Member Top Voices MalaysiaImagine 46 playful individuals from all over the world coming to a place to share and use different games to facilitate learning. That’s what’s #play14 is all about! 🤩

Mon Teodoro
Cultivating a culture of learning for Europe’s largest dedicated Google partnerCurious to know how was hashtag#play14 in Portugal 🇵🇹? Small demo of it …

Ricardo Fernandes
Agile CoachThroughout the conference, there was no hierarchy between the organizers and participants. Right from the energizer activity, everything was participative. Anyone could take center stage to experiment, even in critical activities like running the marketplace, where participants were given the opportunity to lead. Everyone owned the event, and each person felt like both the organizer and the participant.
This was a conference that induced a clear sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) as impactful sessions were happening in parallel. Additionally, if you missed a session, you could request the host to repeat it the next day.
Wonderful, fabulous, amazing, inspirational, Fun!

There is no telling how much fun this has been. We have sent reverberating shocks through the corridors of the Asian Institute of Management (Manila), which has so kindly hosted us. We have filled this building to the brim with laughter and music and shouts of sheer excitement. If anything, we have given testimony of the fact that play-based learning is alive and kicking. 

Francis Laleman
Experience Designer and FacilitatorI thought it was fantastic. Loads of really great sessions, learned TONS, great people. I'm not sure how it could be any better than it already is.

It was all about each one of the conversations we had with each other. Each one of the honest hugs we gave each other when saying 'thank you' in an invented language. The connection. It is all about the strength of the connection you can create with another human being despite the background, age, gender, race, language, social status or the time you have known each other. And how universal human communication drivers, like playing, can connect people deeply.

Jesús Hijas
FounderEnergising, Inspiring, Networking, Serendipity, Playful

Thanks for organizing a really friendly and playful event. I found the people that attended to be welcoming and the activities engaging.

Amaranatho Robey
I support executives to awaken to their true potential. So they can stay calm and connected in complex situtationsFind answers to my problems

Exchange with other enthusiasts.

Adrien Muller
Agile CoachTeamwork, collaboration, skills, and people coming together.

Matthew Murphy
Agile FacilitatorWe see the learning happening.

I learned a couple of new things and found several new games for me.

Sergiy Nemchenko
Scrum Master / Project ManagerI am proud of what #play14 has become. Players are happy to join our events and curious to learn new things. They go back home with tons of new ideas and games to try out with their teams. More than an event, we have created a community.

Cédric Pontet
CTO | Software architect | Agile coach | EventStormer | Sketchnoter | Happy Salmon guruI think #play14 is a great event with an open and friendly atmosphere which invided participants to share games and experiences with each other. A big thanks to the facilitators for creating a playful space.

I was surprised by the great atmosphere and at the same time the usefulness of the material. I was a bit sceptical coming in but I ended up recommending the 'conference' to lots of other people. Thank you for your effort!

Low tech is fun and impactful

Try it, try it, try it

Nice sandbox to facilitate games. The best part is talking with people.

Jérémy Rousset
Agile CoachWith different profiles, we are reinventing ourselves every time.

Rudi Bringtown
Customer Experience and Co-innovation specialist with 10+ years experience leading and working among international teams globally.It's just perfect. It's full of energy. Everybody wants to share things.

Anne Gabrillagues
Agile Coach & Product OwnerMindblowing. I did not expect that. I was quite blown away by the things that I had learned.

Himadri Pathak
StudentPeople with charisma jumped in and made us feel comfortable.

Florent Bennani
Software developerAuto-organized and people are very enthusiastic about the game they are bringing.

Eric Ferrot
Agile CoachFirst agile event

Lots of interesting ideas and takeaways.

Christian Baumann
Senior Software TesterCome to #play14

Everybody is a star