1,2,3... gesture
This is a nice warm up game. It’s fun and very simple to setup.
Total: 66
This is a nice warm up game. It’s fun and very simple to setup.
Let all participants paint 20 icons/symbols in 20 sec each.
This simple game is a collaboration games. A team must collaborate to solve a physical enigma.
Abigail's Tale is a story that shows how people view the world from different perspectives, have different values and reach different conclusions based on the same information.
Players will play a game of battleships with each other. Some players will experience restrictions to how responsive they can be, allowing us to explore the effects.
In this game, a team must produce as many folded paper planes as possible. It is a competition between teams to be as productive as possible.
Form a line from the smallest to the biggest animal
This is a very easy and short ice breaker
Very fun game that allows participants to release stress and anger
The ball point game is one of the oldest games, but it is very efficient because most of the agile values and principles. It is perfect to illustrate how to work as a team and continuously improve.
In this game teams are challenged to achieve a series of simple tasks as quickly as possible. The game will quickly introduce bottlenecks, which in turn will generate a high amount of work in progress...
Barnga is so easy to use that its procedure is a joy for both the experienced and the inexperienced game facilitator. The game almost immediately involves all its players and supplies are easily procu...
The clap is alive. Pass it on and have fun.
Wakes up your brain, shows that multitasking is not recommended.
This game has absolutely no value other than sheer fun
Imagine, everyone thinks, that good arithmetic is important. And then we play a game that has nothing to do with arithmetic and more fun than titles. People learn a lot about themselves and agile proc...
Career SUPERDRIVE™ frames careers as dynamic, long-term journeys, encouraging openness to new opportunities and potential reinventions. It helps individuals reflect on their career paths with clarity,...
Variation on rock, paper, scissors