- Manila 2023

- May 24-26

Mabuhay! Welcome, everyone!
For the first time post the pandemic, #play14 heads back to Asia via the tropical shores of The Philippines. Your volunteer hosting team is excited to roll out the mat and bring play(fulness) to this part of the world.
If you are new to #play14 and have landed directly on this page, please spend some time here, and.
- Discover the rich history of this global movement
- Check out the many cities #play14 has been
- Dive into what to expect for 2.5 days of play
- Appreciate the unconference format of #play14
- Read up on the sample games/ play experience
- Relate with players who have joined in the past
Once you are done, and maybe have more questions about the tickets, please click on the BOOK NOW link. We have a bit more details there about #play14-Manila and a more extensive FAQs section.
We look forward to having you at the Asian Institute of Management Conference Centre (AIM CC)!
We understand that individual circumstances change we desire to be as flexible as possible should you need to change or cancel your place on #play14 - Manila. Due to the demand for #play14 -Manila to prepay event space, food & beverage requirements, and other operational expenses, we do need to put in place a cancellation policy to cover our costs, details of which can be found below:
• 6 weeks in advance of start date (April 3 - April 12): We are happy to fully refund your ticket or transfer your ticket to another delegate free of charge.
• Between 4–6 weeks in advance of start date (April 13 - April 26): We are happy to transfer your ticket to another delegate, but if you wish to cancel there will be a cancellation charge of 30% to cover we will have paid and fees to the ticketing system.
• Between 2–4 weeks in advance of start date (April 27 - May 10): We are happy to transfer your ticket to another delegate. If you wish to cancel, we will refund 50% of your ticket cost.
• 2 weeks in advance of start date (May 11 onwards): We are happy to transfer your ticket to another delegate, but cannot offer a ticket refund.
Cédric Pontet
German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI)
Community Partner
Metalog Training Tools
Event Patron