Instruction: I am going to do an action. When I start will copy me, and then the person to their right and so on until the action spreads around the circle. Remember to only copy the the person to your immediate left.
Action 1: Rub your hands together audibly
Action 2: (When the rubbing has spread all around the circle), click both hands
Action 3: (When the clicking has spread all around the circle), tap both knees audibly
Action 4: (When the taping has spread all around the circle), stomp both feet and tap both knees audibly
Action 5: (When the stomping and taping has spread all around the circle), tap both knees audibly
Action 6: (When the tapping has spread all around the circle), click both hands
Action 7: (When the clicking has spread all around the circle), rub hands audibly
Action 8: (When the rubbing has spread all around the circle), calmly lower both hands to your sides.